10 things I realized as a special needs parent

She will sleep in any position if she wants to

When I came face to face with the reality that Rohit and I were going to be special needs parents, that was a moment that taught us  a lot about life, about ourselves... We expect to learn lots more in years to come. But I wanted to pen down what I have learned so far... So here it is.

At the doctor's office

I realized that -
1. I am stronger than I ever thought I could be.

2. Being best friends with Rohit is essential to sustaining my family in the long run. Special needs parenting is like looking both ways before crossing the street only to get hit by an airplane. And no one wants to feel alone in that scenario.

3. There is no shame in seeking help when I need it.

4. When I doubt myself, acting the way my mom would and doing things the way she would works best. She is my role model after all.

5. Special needs parenting is and will be taking an emotional toll on me and Rohit. It has and will change us in ways we cannot foresee. So it is very important to keep reconnecting with each other every so often.

On the bus in England
6. Starting my day with something that is just mine is the best way to energize myself. Just a great chat over a cup of coffee or tea with Rohit, or half an hour of exercise, or cooking by myself gives me the energy I need to get through the day. This bout of energy is more important in my life right now than it ever was.

7. Tomorrow is a new day!

8. I thought I knew where I stood when it came to certain people and relationships in my life, but I stand corrected. They were never the way I perceived them. I guess it is always the difficult times that show you who your true friends are.

9. I shouldn't feel sorry for calling my kid's doctors every single day if it comes to that.

10. I shouldn't sweat the small stuff, and it's all small stuff! My mother had been pounding this into me back when I was a very sensitive teenager. I guess that's paying off, huh?!


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